Cracking the code and staying ahead Cat Icon

Cracking the code and staying ahead

HitechZone has maintained its position as one of the most desirable loyalty programs in Israel for 14 years. Hear from Sefi Peles, Deputy CEO & VP Marketing, on their ongoing innovation.

Re-generate now Digital trends 2024 Cat Icon

Re-generate now Digital trends 2024

Re-build, re-shape, re-connect, and other brave moves for the next digital strategy.

It’s all about the blue this November Cat Icon

It’s all about the blue this November

Our goal this year, unlike the previous years is to spend locally. No more black Friday, say hello to the new blue Friday.

The New Year’s gift: turning clients into customers Cat Icon

The New Year’s gift: turning clients into customers

Brand that prefers to focus on selling right now and doesn’t care what happens a minute later – will not survive long-term.

Super brands are proving you can sell luxury online Cat Icon

Super brands are proving you can sell luxury online

How can luxury brands adapt to the evolving values and preferences of Gen Z customers?

How to integrate empathy with bureaucracy Cat Icon

How to integrate empathy with bureaucracy

How is the national insurance institute working on creating an empathic and personalized customer experience for a wide range of customers?

Never take your eyes off the future Cat Icon

Never take your eyes off the future

Goals, competition, inspiration, customers, ideation, and prioritization – everything you need to know for next year’s work plan.

More than just points: The next generation of customers loyalty programs Cat Icon

More than just points: The next generation of customers loyalty programs

True customer loyalty cares about individual customers – instead of seeing them as just a wallet.